Importing Historical Assessments into Analytics
Hosted by our Assessment and Compliance Specialist, Kay, this quick 'How To' video covers how to import historical Assessment data into a custom Analytics Cycle. <br> PLEASE NOTE: A student identifier is essential in your CSV. GOVTCODE1 ...
Importing Assessments into Assessment Management
Hosted by our Senior Training Consultant, Alex, this quick 'How To' video covers how to import Assessment data for the academic year into the Assessment Management module. <br> PLEASE NOTE: A student identifier is essential in your CSV. ...
Generating Clubs Reports
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to generate reports on attendees and payments within the Clubs module.
Creating Childcare Vouchers
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to create childcare vouchers that can be used for wraparound care in the Clubs module.
Adding a New Staff Record in People Management
Hosted by our Senior Training Consultant, Alex, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to add a new member of staff to People Management.
Configuring Supporting Documents for your Admissions application form
Hosted by our Senior Training Consultant, Alex, this quick 'How To' video covers how to add the option for Supporting Documentation as part of the application process for parents.
Configuring your Admissions application form 'Validation Rules'
Hosted by our Senior Training Consultant, Alex, this quick 'How To' video covers how and where to configure the fields and information that is required of parents during the Admissions process for your school. The 'Validation Rules' refer to what ...
Configuring Application Year Levels
Hosted by our Senior Training Consultant, Alex, this quick 'How To' video covers how to configure your Enrolments application form for different year levels and across different academic years.
Adding Students to Custom Classes
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to add students to custom classes. This can be useful if you use custom classes for nursery school or interventions.
Adding School Activities
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to add a school activity in the Attendance Module. School activities can be used to adjust the registers for events like Inset Days or Snow Days.
Adding a Student Leaver in People Management
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to add a student leaver in People Management through the creation of milestones.
Adding a New Starter in People Management
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to add a new starter in the People Management Module.
Organising Staff Cover
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to add staff cover if you have a staff member out sick or on leave.
Using the New Half Day Attendance Grid
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers how to navigate the new Half Day Attendance Grid in the Attendance module.
Reviewing Unmarked Registers
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to check unmarked registers and send reminders to teachers with unmarked registers.
Contacting a Parent/Student in Attendance
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to contact a parent for information on an unexplained absence or late arrival through the Quick Actions menu and Half Day Attendance tab in the Attendance module.
Marking Arrivals and Departures
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to log arrivals and departures from the Quick Actions menu and Attendance module.
Reviewing Attendance Notes
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to review attendance notes from the home page and within the Attendance Module.
Sending Bulk SMS/ Push Notification Messages
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to send SMS and Push Notifications through the Bulk SMS module.
Sending an Email
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to send an email in Compass through the Quick Actions menu.
Posting to the NewsFeed
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to post to the NewsFeed, which can be used to share your school's newsletter or information on school events.
Exporting a Chronicle Report
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers where and how to run a Chronicle Report, which can be used to generate student reports that filter for specific Chronicle categories or templates.
Scheduling a Chronicle Meeting
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers how to create a Chronicle Meeting using the Quick Actions menu and creating templates for meetings. This function could be useful for scheduling SEN or pastoral meetings.
Entering a Student Into the Sickbay
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers how to add a student into the Sickbay through the Chronicle Module and customise communications to parents and staff members.
Creating and Pinning a Chronicle Entry for SEN Students
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers how to create a SEN related entry in the Chronicle module and pin it to a student's profile page. Pinned Chronicle entries can be helpful for making documents like EHCPs and ...
Creating Intervention Groups
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers how to create intervention groups, customise goals and categories, and enrol students in the intervention.
Adding SEND Provisions to a Student's Record
Hosted by our Training Consultant, Zoe, this quick 'How To' video covers how to add SEND specific provisions to a student record in People Management. This includes EHCPs, SEN Support status, and access arrangements.