Autumn Census 🍂 Students

Autumn Census 🍂 Students

People Management

The information displayed in this module is produced from the People Management records. To amend or add any missing data, open People Management, search for the person whose data needs adjusting and navigate to the appropriate tab. For more information, please see our People Management Student Fields guide here:

The Students section of the module is split into three key parts:
  1. General information
  2. Demographics
  3. Special Education Needs 

General Information 

In the first sub-tab general information of students will be displayed. Information such as Gender, Sex, UPN, Date of Birth and Enrolment will be listed here. To make an update, simply click into the name of the student. This will then bring a pop-up screen of the student's record from People Management where relevant updates can be made. 


The next sub-tab, Demographics, displays key identifiers for students such as Ethnicity, First Language, Post Looked After Informations, and Free School Meal Status. 

For example, to update the ethnic group or first language of a student, click into the student's name. 

This will open the student's record in People Management. Click on the ‘Demographics’, and under ‘Ethnicities’ you can adjust the information accordingly.

Don't forget to click Save and Close in the record to see the changes reflected in the Statutory Census Returns module

Special Education Needs 

The third sub-tab in the Students tab is where you can manage all your SEN information of students. 

Click the pencil icon on the right hand side to make updates to top up funding, time in SEN unit and resourced provision, if applicable for a given student.  To make an update to the students SEN provision and SEND Needs, you will need to click into the student's name. This will open up a pop-up of the user's record where this can be updated through the SEND sub-tab. 

Make changes where necessary and Save and Close the record.

For students with an EHCP, the Top Up Funding will likely need to be ticked in the relevant section. In the student's People Management record, click into the Student tab > Additional School Details sub tab.

Tick the box for 'Top-up funding:' in the Student Support section.

This article is about a sub-section of the 2024 Autumn Census. For general information on the 2024 Autumn Census, please see our main article here.

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      People Management The information displayed in this module is produced from the People Management records. To amend or add any missing data, open People Management, search for the person whose data needs adjusting and navigate to the appropriate tab. ...